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FAEST is a digital signature algorithm designed to be secure against quantum computers. The security of FAEST is based on standard cryptographic hashes and ciphers, specifically SHA3 and AES, which are believed to remain secure against quantum adversaries.


In FAEST, the secret signing key is an AES key, while the public verification key is a plaintext-ciphertext pair, obtained by encrypting a random message under the signing key. A signature consists of a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of an AES key which maps the message to the ciphertext. This follows the design principle of the Picnic signature scheme, except using the well-analyzed AES cipher as a one-way function instead of LowMC. FAEST also uses a new zero-knowledge proof technique called VOLE-in-the-head, which improves upon the established MPC-in-the-head paradigm.


There are several parameters controlling the instantiation of FAEST, giving differing tradoffs between security, speed, and compactness. First there’s the security parameter, which determines the overall security level of the scheme, and also affects performance. FAEST offers 3 different security levels, corresponding roughly to AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256.

Second, we have an Even-Mansour variant, where a block cipher is used as an ideal permutation by publishing its key, run on a secret input. This simplifies proving the key schedule in zero-knowledge, since it is public, but when the security parameter is 192 or 256 it requires using Rijndael with larger block sizes, as only the 128-bit block size was standardized as AES.

Third, our zero-knoweldge proof admits a communication–computation tradeoff, since it is built using SoftSpokenVOLE. This is controlled by a parameter 𝜏, with communication being roughly proportional to 𝜏. FAEST has two settings for 𝜏 for each security level: a “slow and short” setting, and a “fast but long” setting.


For 128-bit security, our optimized implementation of FAEST can sign or verify in 1.7M cycles (for signatures of size 5.9 kilobytes) or 12.8M cycles (for signatures of size 4.5 kilobytes). When using AES in Even–Mansour mode, signature size can be further reduced to 3.9 kilobytes. Here are the benchmarks for our AVX2 implementation.

FAEST Variant

Runtimes Sizes in Bytes
KeyGen Sign Verify sk
ms Mcyc ms Mcyc ms Mcyc
128s 0.002 0.005 3.761 12.787 2.877 9.783 32 32 4506
128f 0.002 0.005 0.507 1.722 0.415 1.413 32 32 5924
192s 0.003 0.011 16.084 54.687 12.438 42.290 40 48 11260
192f 0.003 0.011 2.072 7.045 1.788 6.079 40 48 14948
256s 0.004 0.013 22.450 76.330 21.925 74.546 48 48 20696
256f 0.004 0.013 3.256 11.071 3.012 10.241 48 48 26548
EM-128s 0.002 0.005 2.766 9.403 2.176 7.398 32 32 3906
EM-128f 0.002 0.005 0.413 1.404 0.327 1.113 32 32 5060
EM-192s 0.003 0.009 11.553 39.282 10.659 36.239 48 48 9340
EM-192f 0.003 0.009 1.523 5.177 1.372 4.665 48 48 12380
EM-256s 0.004 0.013 18.372 62.465 17.570 59.738 64 64 17984
EM-256f 0.004 0.013 2.775 9.436 2.566 8.725 64 64 23476


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